2011年3月7日 星期一

Different ways to say 'zero' in English

Dear classmates,

Do you still remember how to say telephone number '0' in English? We can say either 'oh' or 'zero'.

For example,

A: What's your telephone/phone number?
B: My phone number is 2510-9845.

My phone number is two-five-one-oh-nine-eight-four-five.
My phone number is two-five-one-zero-nine-eight-four-five.

When there are numbers/alphabets repeated, you can use word - double/triple - to make your conversation more efficient.
如果數字/字母有重複的地方,您可以用double (兩倍的)/triple (三倍的)讓對話更加精簡有效率。

Here I find a useful website about differnet ways to say 'zero' in English (please see details from the access: http://www.iesnestoralmendros.es/libro1/index.php?section=6&page=3).

I also find an interesting film on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pYOZduNhtY). You can see the cultural differences when people say numbers or spell alphabets. But most importantly, do we konw how to pronounce 'Louis Vuitton' properly? See for yourselves.
在Youtube也找到一段有趣的影片。從中您可以了解不同文化的人用英語敘述數字以及拼字母。但是最重要的是,有多少人真的可以把LV的全名唸清楚呢? 您自個瞧吧!

Doris 朵瑞斯

