2011年3月7日 星期一

Syllabus of Short-term General English Conversation Course in Kai-Ping Culinary School

Dear classmates,


I firstly want to thank you for your coming and cooperation at today's class. You indeed did great jobs. As I said in our first class, the course is a 18-week short term general English conversation course. We focus on our abilities in English speaking and listening, so there will be lots of pair-/ team work during classes. I will try my best not to bore you.

首先我要感謝您們出席今天的課程以及參予課堂活動。你們真的表現很好。如同在課堂上所言,18週的課程說長不長,說短不短,所以在兩小時半的課堂上,我們會利用對話練習/小組練習來加強同學們英語聽&說的能力。 本人會盡可能不會讓您們感到無聊。

Here I upload the syllabus so that you could have a clue what topics we're going to discuss in the following weeks. However, just like I said in class, I will amend the teaching contents based on your requirements in learning English as well as the learning results. Do you still remember the first three questions I asked you to think about in the beginning of today's class?

  1. Why do you want to learn English? 您為什麼想要學英文?
  2. How do you learn English? 回想求學階段,您是如何學英文的?
  3. What do you want to learn from this short 18-week general English conversation course? 在短短18週的課程中,您想要學到什麼?
The class focuses on speaking, listening, and then a little bit writing and reading. Please do not worry about the the latters (writing and reading), because I'm sure most Taiwaneses are quite good at reading English sentences/ paragraphs/ articles. Speaking ability in daily English conversation is our major focus in the classroom. Do you remember what we learnt from today's course?

  1. I know how to introduce myself (first name + last name/ surname). 我知道如何介紹自己 (名字 + 姓氏)。
  2. I know how to ask people's full name. 我知道如何問對方的全名。
  3. I know how to ask people's phone/ telephone, cell-/mobile- phone number(s). 我知道如何問對方的電話/手機號碼。
  4. I know how to ask people's nationalities. 我知道如何問對方的國籍。
  5. I know how to read & fill in/ fill out simple application form. 我知道如何填寫表格。
  6. I know how to say few occupation words (accountant/ manager/ housekeeper/ teacher/ student/ doctor/ nurse/ occupation therpist). 我知道一些表示英文職業的用語。
  7. I also REMEMBER today's homework: complete the sentence on p.6, and check how to tell people your address in English (c.f. http://www.post.gov.tw/post/index.jsp). 我還記得今天的回家作業- 完成講義第6頁的表格,以及上郵政局網站查詢自己的英文全址。

I know some of newcomers/ auditors do not have today's complete handouts; I deeply apologize for this embarassing situation. If you want to receive any documents from today's class, please email me your 'personal information' (e.g. address, email address) so that I can send these papers to you. My email address is doris821023@yahoo.com.tw or chiaching1023@gmail.com. I will check my email boxes every day, so please don't worry I will miss any of your important emails.


Have great days and I look forward to seeing you next week.


Best wishes,




